Caffeine in Red Bull vs Coffee: Which Has Higher Content?

A can of Red Bull

Caffeine is a widely consumed stimulant worldwide, with coffee and energy drinks being the two main sources of it. One of the most popular energy drinks is Red Bull, known for its high caffeine content. But how does the caffeine in Red Bull compare to the caffeine in coffee? This article will explore the differences between the two and answer which beverage has a higher caffeine content, so keep reading!

How Much Caffeine in Red Bull?

An 8.46-ounce can of Red Bull contains 80 mg of caffeine. If you want to know the caffeine content of all Red Bull flavors, check the table below.

FlavorCaffeine (mg)Size ( fl oz )
Red Bull808.46
Red Bull Sugarfree808.46
Red Bull Zero808.46
Red Bull Watermelon808.46
Red Bull Tropical808.46
Red Bull Blueberry808.46
Red Bull Dragon Fruit808.46
Red Bull Peach-Nectarine808.46
Red Bull Coconut Berry808.46
Red Bull Strawberry Apricot808.46
Red Bull Fig Apple808.46

How Much Caffeine in Coffee?

Gray Ceramic Cup of Coffee on a Round Gray Saucer

The amount of caffeine in coffee is determined by many components, including the coffee beans used, the roasting level, and the type of coffee made. Different coffee beans can have varying levels of caffeine; for example, lighter roasts tend to contain higher amounts than darker roasts. Additionally, the caffeine content of brewed coffee, espresso, and instant coffee can vary.

Type of CoffeeCaffeine (mg)
Brewed coffee70-200 
French press80-135
Drip coffee160
Cold brew150

Does red bull have more caffeine than coffee?

Overall, Red Bull has less caffeine than most coffee types, as seen from the table above. However, Red Bull contains another stimulant, taurine, which is said to have beneficial effects on the body, such as aiding calcium signaling, antioxidation, cardiovascular functions, and musculoskeletal and retinal development. Then again, taurine’s impacts are not as widely recognized as those of caffeine. No studies have been conducted to determine whether regular consumption of taurine has any lasting positive or negative impacts.

Which is Healthier Red Bull or Coffee?

Electronic scales with a heap of sugar

Regarding calories and sugar, coffee is the healthier drink since it doesn’t have any, while Red Bull has 117 g calories and 26 g sugar. That is true only if you drink your coffee without adding sugar, milk, or flavored syrups. If it is important for you to count your calories and coffee is too bitter for you, choose low-fat instead of whole milk.


Let’s answer some of the most common questions about Red Bull and coffee.

How Much Caffeine Is in an 8 oz Red Bull?

An 8.46 oz can of Red Bull contains 80 mg of caffeine.

How Much Caffeine is in a 12 oz Red Bull?

A 12 oz can of Red Bull contains 113.5 mg of caffeine.

Is Red Bull Stronger Than Coffee?

Red Bull isn’t stronger than coffee in terms of caffeine. However, it contains the stimulant taurine, which isn’t present in coffee.


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